FREE Report Writing Course

Free PowerPoints are posted on the right side of the home page of this website. These PowerPoints will give you a solid foundation in report writing.

You can also view free videos at

27 thoughts on “FREE Report Writing Course

  1. Lonnie

    I am a full time deputy sheriff , I also works as a arson/fire investigator who is trying to improve on my report writing I would like a class on the above topic very much.

  2. Nansubuga Margaret Hope

    Hello!I manage a Demonstration Center for a school and community at large.I would like to learn how to write reports on different projects and progress reports on individuals.

  3. Jean Post author

    It’s great that you’re working on your report writing skills! This website has many resources to help you. You can watch free videos at I also recommend my book, Criminal Justice Report Writing – it’s available on There are many exercises to help you track your progress, and an answer key is provided.

  4. Charles E Emery

    I am a retiree from a county sheriffs department where we had specific officers in charge of training. We had continuous training available to us during the year. I have now taken a position on a small local department where the call volume is minor at most and most of the officers here take an occasional report. The administration has asked that I put together a training program to help get the department better equipped to handle their reports. Anything you can help me with would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Jean Post author

    You’ve taken on quite a challenge! My free instructional videos for agency, classroom, and personal use are posted at I can email you a free Instructor’s Manual for my book “Criminal Justice Report Writing” – along with a file of printable tests – if you send an email to me at [email protected]. I will also subscribe you to my free Police Writer e-newsletter as soon as I hear from you!

  6. Jean Post author

    Is there an Adult School near you where you can take some writing classes? Other suggestions are to do as much reading as you can. Ask a friend (someone who’s first language is English) to look at everything you write. My book Criminal Justice Report Writing (from is another good resource.

  7. Carolyn R.

    Hi Jean,

    We would have appreciated a cover photo that celebrated the diversity among law enforcement officers. For example, many of us teach in diverse, urban areas and this cover just does not fit in with the overall message of law enforcement careers being open to people of all racial/ethnic/sex backgrounds. Disappointed and reluctant to assign this text now.

  8. Harpreet Singh

    I am willing to give a test in a police department ,but I have problem in writing a report i dnt get the pattern so I need some advice on it please

    1. Jean Post author

      Hi, Harpreet –
      You need to work with someone who’s a native speaker. I also recommend taking some English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. Good luck with your test!

  9. Jean Post author

    Hi, Mohamed. I’m sorry that I don’t have time for tutoring. Please keep looking for someone to help you with your writing course. It is wonderful to hear from a student in Somalia! Thank you.

  10. Faith Chemutai Maritim

    I am a student pursuing criminology course and I would like to know how to write reports based on my course ie on criminal activities

    1. Jean Post author

      You’ll find a lot of useful information on this website, Faith. My book Criminal Justice Report Writing (available on Amazon) can also help. Best wishes for success in your course!

  11. Barb

    I am a security officer and I’d like to brush up on my report writing skills. trying to find legit programs and videos to assist.

    1. Jean Post author

      Hi, Edwin! There’s no formal “course” that you can sign up for. If you scroll down the list of videos on the right side of the home page, you’ll see a heading “Report Writing Course.” There are eight lessons that cover the basic principles of report writing.

  12. echo Miller

    Hi I am a Security Officer my place of employment. And I struggle writting reports and need help in learning sentence structure and Grammer. Can u help me sometimes I just feel like an idiot.

    1. Jean Post author

      Hi, Officer Miller! Writing indeed is hard. I have a couple of suggestions.
      1. Find a writing buddy – someone who is willing to read over everything you write and give you suggestions. It can be a friend or a family member. Two heads are better than one! Talking about your writing will build your grammar and sentence structure skills.
      2. Use a word processor to draft all your reports. You can use Microsoft Word on any computer. Or you can buy an inexpensive tablet and use Google Docs, which is free. Both of those resources have excellent grammar checkers. You will find your errors and learn how to fix them.
      I suggest combining #1 and #2. You will be surprised how quickly your writing improves!
      If you need help with word processing, stop by your local library. They often have staff members who can help you get started, and they may offer free classes and workshops as well.
      Best wishes for success!

  13. Robert Johnson

    Hello, I am a Transit Safety Officer for Muckleshoot Tribal Government DOT. My Transit Manager asked me to ask you if, our Officers receive a “Certification of Completion” at the end of your Course? Thank You!

    Rob Johnson
    Muckleshoot Transportation
    Lead Transit Safety Officer


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