Practice Writing a Report: Scenario 1

Use this scenario to practice writing a criminal justice report. This is a Type 4 scenario (the officer initiates the action). After you finish your report, you can compare your version to a finished professional report by clicking the link.

At approximately 12:42 this afternoon, you were driving to Cathy’s Cafe to eat lunch. You passed a wooded lot at the intersection of Post Street and Pine Avenue. You saw smoke rising from the interior of the wooded area. You stopped to investigate.

Suddenly two boys walked out from between the trees. They saw your patrol car and started running south along Pine Avenue.

You called the fire department, reported the fire, and gave the location. Then you followed the boys, who were running towards the E-Z Shoppe at the southwest corner of Pine Avenue and Carter Street. You pulled into the E-Z Shoppe lot, parked your car, and exited. The boys saw you and froze.

You questioned the boys, whose names are Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01, 1311 Conley Road) and Sam Stone (DOB 2/2/01, 1335 Conley Road). Neither boy was carrying anything. Tonger told you he and Stone had a secret club that met in the wooded lot, and they didn’t start the fire. Stone said they had a stash of “dirty magazines” that they kept in a cardboard box in the wooded lot, and they were going home to report the fire.

You used your department cell phone to take a picture of each boy. You called headquarters and spoke to Detective Camille Santos. You gave her the boys’ names and addresses for further investigation. You drove back to the wooded lot, parked your patrol car, and talked to firefighter Janice Wilkes, who told you the fire had already been extinguished.

You returned to the station house, downloaded the pictures you had taken, and turned them over to Detective Santos.

(Reminder: Of course you suspect the boys of starting the fire. But it’s not appropriate to report hunches, suspicions, or any other thoughts in a police report. Record only what you heard, saw, and did.)

From Jean Reynolds: Because of time constraints, I can no longer comment on Scenario 1 reports posted on the comments page.To check your report, go to this link and compare your report to the version posted there. You can also read sample reports that other users have posted – a great learning opportunity!




41 thoughts on “Practice Writing a Report: Scenario 1

  1. Traquan Jackson

    Approximately, I observed a wooded lot on fire at the corner of Post Street and Pine Avenue. I stopped to investigate. Two boys then ran once they saw my patrol car. I called in the fire department and chased down the boys, who were at the corner of Pine and Carter.

    I questioned the boys, Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01, 113 Conley Road) told me ” he and Stone (DOB 2/2/01, 1335 Conley Road) were at a secret club and didn’t start the fire.” Stone said, ” they had stash of “dirty magazine” that they kept in a cardboard box in the wooded lot, and they were going home to report the fire.”

    I used the department phone to take pictures of each boy. I notified headquarters to have Detective Santos to come to my location. Once Detective Santos arrived, I relied the boy’s name and addresses for further investigation. I returned to the fire, to talk with fireman Janice Wilkes, who told me ” the fire is out.”

    I returned to headquarters, to download the photos. I turn in the photos to Detective Santos.

    1. jdancer

      Good writing! One change is needed. Don’t use quotation marks unless you’re quoting EXACTLY what was said. Jimmy didn’t say “he and Stone were at a secret club.” Jimmy’s exactly words were, “Stone and I were at a secret club.” “Relied” is the wrong word in the third paragraph: Did you mean relayed? In the last sentence, add -ed to “turn.”

  2. Shawn Adams

    At approximately 12:45PM, i drove pass a wooded lot near the intersection of Pine Street and Post avenue. At that time i noticed fire and smoke coming from the lot. i immediately approached the scene. Two young males fled from the scene towards Pine and Carter Street.

    i dispatched the fire department and made them aware of the fire. i got back in my patrol car, and began to make contact with the two guys. i started to question the two guys, Jimmy Tonger, 14, Dob : 09/04/01, of 113 Conley Road, and Stone, 14, 02/02/01, of 1335 Conley Road. Tonger told me that he and Stone had nothing to do with the fire, and that they were at a secret club; Jimmy Tonger also told me that they had stashed dirty magazines in the lot, and was on their way home to report the fire. Soon, i performed a thorough search on each party. They had nothing on their persons that pertained to the incident. i used my departmental phone to snap photos of the two individuals.

    i returned to the scene of the fire; fire officials confirmed that the fire was extinguished. Finally, i went back to the station, and turned the investigation over to Detective Santos. i provided him with the guys’ names, date of births, age, and addresses.

      1. Jean Post author

        My understanding is that “reasonable suspicion” and “probable cause” are two different things. The Supreme Court has ruled that “reasonable suspicion” is a step below probable cause.
        You need to check with administrators at your agency to see what level of evidence is needed for a stop and frisk. Some experts I’ve checked say that reasonable suspicion justifies stopping a person and questioning them. For example, they might be walking alone on a quiet street in the middle of the night. You could ask for their name and why they’re there. But a judge might rule that there was no justification for frisking them.
        Be sure you know your agency’s policies and follow them carefully.

  3. Jean Post author

    What’s with the lower-case “i” in many of your sentences, Shawn? Also: learn the difference between “pass” and “past,” and avoid slang (“guys” isn’t appropriate, for example).
    Much of this is excellent – be sure to compare your version to the one I posted online.

  4. Tony Castaneda

    On 1/6/17 at approximately 1242 hours, I notice signs of what appeared to be smoke coming from a wooded parking lot located at Post street and Pine Ave. I stopped to investigate and I saw what appeared to be two male boys coming from the wooded area in the same location of the smoke. When they saw my fully marked patrol vehicle they started running south along Pine Ave.

    I contacted dispatch at approximately 1244 hours and gave locations to dispatch fire. I followed the two male boys that were running towards the EZ-Shoppe located S/W corner of Pine Ave and Carter Street.

    When the two male boys saw my patrol vehicle, they stopped and froze. I made contact with the two male boys, their names are Jimmy Tonger and Sam Stone. I asked the two boys what they were doing in that location, they said they were part of a secret club and they meet in the wooded parking lot. They also stated they had a stash of “dirty magazines” located in the wooded area and they were going home to call and report the fire.

    I used my department issued cell phone to take pictures of the two male boys. I contacted Detective Camille Santos and updated her with the boys names and addresses for further investigation. I went back to the fire location and spoke with firefighter Janice Wilkes and she stated that “the fire had already been extinguished.”

    I went back to my department and downloaded the pictures and forwarded them to Det. Santos.

    1. Jean Post author

      Excellent report overall – you have a problem with wordiness, however.
      Someone has mistakenly taught you that you need extra words and nonsense in a police report. You don’t. Get straight to the point. Police officers have other things to do with their time.
      Several times you wrote “male boys.” Boys are always male!
      In paragraph 3 you could write, “When they saw me” instead of “When the two male boys saw my patrol vehicle.”
      Don’t write “what appeared to be.” It doesn’t add anything useful. Stick to what you saw: two boys, smoke. And you don’t need to write “my fully marked patrol vehicle.”
      Be careful also with usage. For example, you omitted the -ed ending on “noticed.”

  5. Steve

    At approximately 12:42pm, I was driving to Cathy’s Café for lunch. I passed a wooded lot at the intersection of Post Street and Pine Avenue. I saw smoke rising from the interior of the wooded area and stopped to investigate.

    I saw Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01) out of 1311 Conley Road and Sam Stone (DOB 2/2/01) out of 1335 Conley Road walk out from between the trees and they started running south along Pine Avenue as soon as they saw my patrol car.

    I called the fire department and reported the location of the fire. I followed Tonger and Stone who was running towards the E-Z Shoppe at the southwest corner of Pine Avenue and Carter Street. I pulled into the E-Z Shoppe lot, parked my car and exited. Tonger and Stone saw me and froze.

    I asked Tonger and Stone if they were carrying anything and they told me that they were not. Tonger told me him and Stone had a secret club that met in the wooded lot, and that they did not start the fire. Stone told me that they had a stash of dirty magazines that they kept in a cardboard box in the wooded lot, and they were going home to report the fire.

    I took pictures of Tonger and Stone. I called headquarters and spoke to Detective Camille Santos. I gave Detective Santos the boys names and addresses for further investigation. I drove back to the wooded lot, parked my patrol car, and talked to firefighter Janice Wilkes. Wilkes told me that the fire had already been extinguished.

    I returned to the police station, downloaded the pictures I had taken, and turned them over to Detective Santos.

  6. Jean Post author

    Terrific report – and it’s wonderful to see a report that’s written entirely in active voice! One correction: “Tonger told me HE and Stone had a secret club….” Here’s how you figure it out: “he had a secret club” – “he and Stone had a secret club.” Shortening a sentence often makes it easy to choose the correct word. For contrast, look at this sentence: “I told Jane and him about the problem.” “I told HIM about the problem” – “I told Jane and HIM about the problem.” This trick is useful with all pronouns: I/me, he/him, she/her, etc.


    At approximately 12:42, I drove passed a woodlot on the intersection of Post Street and Pine Avenue. I noticed smoke rising from the interior of the wooded area. I immediately stopped to investigate. Two young males walked from between the trees and immediately ran South along Pine Avenue once they saw my patrol car.
    I dispatched the fire department and provided them the location of the fire. I got back in my patrol car and began pursuit of the two young males. I pulled into the E-Z Shoppe lot where the two young males were located. I exited by patrol vehicle and begin to question the two young males. Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01, 1311 Conley Road) and Sam Stone (DOB 2/2/01, 1335 Conley Road). Tonger told me he and Stone had a secret club that met in the wooded lot, and they didn’t start the fire. Stone said they had a stash of “dirty magazines” that they kept in a cardboard box in the wooded lot, and they were going home to report the fire. I then searched the two young males to see if they had any weapons or anything on them that would pertained to the incident.
    I used my cell phone to take pictures of Jimmy Tonger and Sam Stone body. I called headquarters and spoke with Detective Camile Santos. I gave her the names and addresses of the two males for further investigation.
    I got back in my patrol car, and retuned back to the wooded lot and spoke with firefighter Janice Wilkes, who told me the fire had already been extinguished.
    Finally, I returned to the headquarters, downloaded the pictures I’ve taken, and turned them over to Detective Santos for a continuous investigation.

    1. Jean Post author

      Good report! Be careful with passed (an action) and past (time that has come and gone). Don’t capitalize south when you mean a direction. Omit “body” after “Jimmy Tonger and Sam Stone.”

  8. Dominique Moore

    At 1242 hours while I was on patrol in my vehicle, I saw smoke at the wooded lot intersecting Post Street and Pine Avenue. I pulled over to investigate and dispatched the fire department the exact location of the smoke.

    At that time two young males emerged from the wooded lot. When they saw me, Subject A and Subject B took off running south along Pine Avenue. I followed both Subjects to E-Z Shoppe on the southwest corner of Pine Avenue and Carter Street. I pulled into the Shoppe lot and parked. Both males froze when they saw my patrol vehicle.

    I questioned Subject A, Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01, 1311 Conley Road) and Subject B, Sam Stone (DOB 2/2/01, 1335 Conley Road). I asked Tonger and Stone if they were carrying anything and they were not. When I asked what their reason was for why they ran, Tonger stated, “We didn’t start the fire. Sam and I had a secret club that met in the wooded lot.” Stone chimed in and said they had a stash of “dirty magazines” kept in a cardboard box in the wooded lot. Both males were headed home to report the fire.

    I took a picture of both males with my department phone. I called Detective Camille Santos and gave her the boy’s names and information for further investigations. After I finished talking to Tonger and Stone, I drove back to the wooded lot and spoke with firefighter Janice Wilkes who said the fire had already been extinguished.

    Once I returned to the station, I downloaded the photos and then turned them over to Detective Santos.
    End Report

  9. Josie

    I am currently revising for my TAFE entrance exam and last time failed the writing part. Can you please give some insight to whether or not this is something they would accept. Thank you and I appreciate your time.

    At about 12:42pm 11th September 2017, I was on patrol in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne. It was lunch time and I was on my way to eat at ‘Cathy’s Cafe”.

    I was driving down Post Street when I noticed smoke coming from a wooded lot on there corner of Pine Avenue. I pulled over to investigate. Two boys then walked out from between a group of trees located next to the wooded lot. As they saw my car approaching they ran in a southern direction on Pine Avenue. I made a quick call to the fire department to report the fire and then followed the two boys who were running towards the E-Z Shoppe at the South West corner of Pine Avenue and Carter Street. I pulled into the car pack along side the two boys and got out of the car. The boys did not run this time and I noticed that neither were carrying any objects. I asked for the two boys details. One of the boys answered
    “My name is Jimmy Tonger and I was born 9th April 2001. I live at 1311 Conley Road.”
    The other boy immediately spoke after the first boy had finished.
    ‘My name is Sam Stone. I was born 2nd February 2001 and live at 1335 Conley Road.”
    I then questioned the two boys to why they were running from the blazing wooden lot. Tonger then said:
    ‘We were having a secret meeting in the house house and didn’t start the fire. There was a cardboard box of dirty magazines in the lot. We were running home to report the fire.”
    I didn’t ask the two boys any other questions. I then took a photo of each boy with my cell phone and called Detective Camille Santos at headquarters and repeated the information I had just taken for further investigation.

    I got back into my car and returned to the wooded lot where fire trucks were now present. I parked my car and walked over to firefighter Janice Wilkes, who had told me the fire has been extinguished.

    I then returned back to the station house where i downloaded the pictures I had taken of the two boys. These were then handed over to Detective Santos for further investigation

    1. jdancer

      Your writing is fine! I hope you do well on the next test. I wouldn’t use quotation marks for the name of a business (Cathy’s Cafe). You wrote “there” instead of “the.” Your report has some unnecessary words – a common problem with police reports. For example, you don’t need “then” and “back” with “I returned.” I’ve posted my own version of the police report that you can read online and compare with yours.

  10. Trey Williams

    At approximately 12:42 PM, I, Officer Trey Williams, #90210, was passing a wooded lot at the intersection of Post Street and Pine Avenue. I then noticed there was smoke coming from a wooded area near the lot. Soon after, 2 males, later identified as Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01, 1311 Conley Road) and Sam Stone (DOB 2/2/01, 1335 Conley Road) came from out of the wooded area.

    When Jimmy Tonger and Sam Stone saw my squad car, they fled on foot to the E-Z Shoppe on the southwest corner of Pine Avenue and Carter Street. I immediately reported the details of the fire to the fire department and followed the two males. When I caught up to Tonger and Stone at the E-Z Shoppe, I searched both suspects. Neither suspect was carrying anything. I then questioned both suspects reasoning for being in the wooded area. Tonger stated that he and Stone had a secret club that met in the wooded lot, and that they didn’t start the fire. Stone said they had a stash of “dirty magazines” that they kept in a cardboard box in the wooded lot, and they were going home to report the fire.

    After taking a picture of both suspects using my department cell phone, I contacted Detective Camille Santos for further investigation and released both suspects. I then drove back to the site where the fire was located. When I arrived back on the scene of the fire, one of the firemen stated that the fire had already been extinguished. I got back in my squad car and returned to the station to download the pictures I had taken, and turned them over to Detective Santos.

  11. niema porter

    At 12:42p.m., I was driving to Cathy’s Cafe to eat lunch. I passed a lot at the intersection of Post Street and Pine Avenue. I saw smoke rising from the inside of the wooded area. I stopped to investigate.

    Two boys walked out from between the trees. They saw my patrol car and started running south along Pine Avenue.

    I called the fire department, reported the fire, and gave the location. Then I followed the boys, who were running towards the E-Z Shoppe at the southwest corner of Pine Avenue and Carter Street. I pulled into the E-Z Shoppe lot, parked your car, and exited. The boys saw me and froze.

    I questioned the boys, whose names are Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01, 1311 Conley Road) and Sam Stone (DOB 2/2/01, 1335 Conley Road). Neither boy was carrying anything. Tonger told me he and Stone had a secret club that met in the wooded lot, and they didn’t start the fire. Stone said they had a stash of “dirty magazines” that they kept in a cardboard box in the wooded lot, and they were going home to report the fire.

    I used my department cell phone to take a picture of each boy. You called headquarters and spoke to Detective Camille Santos. I gave her the boys’ names and addresses for further investigation. I drove back to the wooded lot, parked your patrol car, and talked to firefighter Janice Wilkes, who told me the fire had already been extinguished.

  12. Arthur

    At approximately 12:42 pm this afternoon ,I Arthur Gachugi was driving to Cathy’s café forsome lunch. I passed near a wooded lot at the inspection of post street and pine avenue where I saw smoke rising from the interior of the wooded area.I stopped my car and started to investigate.
    No sooner had I stopped when I saw two boys walk out of the trees,they saw my car and they started to run away.

    I then called the fire department and reported the fire giving them a precise location of the fire then I took to the boys who were now running towards E-Z Shoppe located between the Southwest corner of pine Avenue and Corner street.When I pulled my car at the E-Z shoppe’slot the boys froze and that’s when I started questioning the boys about the fire and who started it.
    The first character to be questioned amoung the 2 was Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01 1311 Conley road) However,he completely denied starting the fire and that he was there as he and sam had a secret club that met at the wooded lot,he was empty handed.Then I questioned the last boy Sam Stone(DOB 2/2/01 Conley Road ) who told me they had a stash of “dirty magazines “that they kept in a card board in the wooded lot and the reason they were running away was so they could report the fire.
    I took my departments cell phone and took pictures of ech of the boys after which I called headquarters and talked to detective Camille Santos giving her the boys’ names and addresses for further investigations.I drove back to the wooden lot and talked to firefighters Jnice Wilkes who told me the fire had been finished.
    I drove back to the station where I downloaded and printed the boys pictures and gave them to detective Camille Santos for further investigations.

  13. Tom

    The following has been written in response to the incident that occurred at approximately 1242 hours on the 13th of February 2018, at the wooded lot, near to the intersection of Post Street and Pine Avenue.

    I was driving by when I saw smoke rising from the wooded area, then two boys walked from behind the trees. They then started to run down Pine Avenue after seeing our patrol car. I called the fire department, then followed the boys who were running towards ‘E-Z Shoppe.’ I pulled into the car park at ‘E-Z Shoppe’ and got out of my car, when the boys saw me they froze.

    I questioned both of the boys:

    • Jimmy Tonger, (D.O.B 9/4/2001 Conley Road) Said that; ‘He and Sam Stone have a secret club that met in the wooded lot, and they didn’t start the fire. ‘

    • Sam Stone, (D.O.B 2/2/2001 Conley Road) Said they; ‘Had a stash of ‘dirty magazines’ that they kept in a cardboard box in the wooded lot and they were going home to report the fire.’

    I took a picture of both boys using my department mobile phone. I called head-quarters and provided Detective Camille Santos with the boy’s names and addresses, for further investigation. I then went back to back to the wooded lot and spoke to a firefighter who put out the fire. I later returned to the station house and downloaded the pictures that I had taken earlier, I then sent these to Detective Santos.

  14. Ben Lu

    At approximately 12:42pm, I was driving through the wooded lot at the intersection of Post Street and Pine Avenue. I saw a smoke rising from the interior wooden areas. i stopped for investigation and reported to the fire department.
    I saw two young males ran out from the wooded lot towards the E-Z Shoppe at the southwest corner of Pine Avenue and Carter Street, when they saw my patrol car. I chased them and then stopped them at the E-Z Shoppe for questioning.
    The two males’ names are Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01) and Sam Stone (DOB 2/2/01). Tonger said that he and Stone had a secret club that met in the wooded lot, and they didn’t start the fire. Stone said that they had a stash of “dirty magazines” that they kept in a cardboard box in the wooded lot, and they were going home to report the fire.
    I took a picture of each of these males with my department cellphone. Then I consulted with Detective Camille Santos and gave him the details I obtained. At last, I drove back to the wooded lot and talked to the firefighter Janice Wilkes, who told me the fire was extinguished.

  15. Nigussie

    At approximately 12:42 this afternoon, I was driving to Cathy’s Cafe to eat lunch. When I passed a wooded lot at the intersection of Post Street and Pine Avenue,I saw smoke rising from the interior of the wooded area and I stopped to investigate.

    Suddenly two boys walked out from between the trees. They saw my patrol car and started running south along Pine Avenue.
    I called the fire department, reported the fire, and gave the location. Then I followed the boys, who were running towards the E-Z Shoppe at the southwest corner of Pine Avenue and Carter Street.I pulled into the E-Z Shoppe lot, parked my car, and exited. The boys saw me and froze.

    I questioned the boys, whose names are Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01, 1311 Conley Road) and Sam Stone (DOB 2/2/01, 1335 Conley Road). Neither boy was carrying anything. Tonger told me as he and Stone had a secret club that met in the wooded lot, and they didn’t start the fire. Stone said they had a stash of “dirty magazines” that they kept in a cardboard box in the wooded lot, and they were going home to report the fire.

    I used your department cell phone to take a picture of each boy. I called headquarters and spoke to Detective Camille Santos.I gave her the boys’ names and addresses for further investigation.I drove back to the wooded lot, parked my patrol car, and talked to firefighter Janice Wilkes, who told me the fire had already been extinguished.

    I returned to the station house, downloaded the pictures I had taken, and turned them over to Detective Santos.

  16. Taranath Gautam

    Mam good morning , I need to know the sample would you please help me to convert into perfect report of following passage ? please help me .

    On Sunday 23 March 2008, at 13.30 hours a man who identified himself as Joseph Alba, entered Police Station # 2 in Monrovia and said that a group of wild dogs had attacked his son. The man was escorted to the interview room by the duty officer. The man told the officer that at 10.30 hours his son, John Alba, had been playing in front of their house located at Low Street, when suddenly three dogs attacked his son. The man said that the largest of the three dogs, a white male, approximately 40 kilos in weight, seemed to be the pack leader of the three dogs. The other two dogs were not as big as the pack leader, and only weighed about 25 kilos each. One of them was all brown and the other was black with a white spot on its chest. They were not wearing collars or identification tags. The officer asked if the man’s son was still at home. The man informed the officer that an ambulance had taken his son to a local hospital for care and that his wife had gone with the boy in the ambulance.

    On Sunday 23 March 2008, at 14.30 hours, a Liberian National Police (LNP) officer was sent to the local hospital to inquire about the nature of the boy’s injuries. The doctor told the officer that the child had been bitten in the face and needed 12 stitches to close that wound. He had also been bitten on both arms and severely bitten on the right hand. There were two areas on the right arm that required three stitches each and the index finger on the child’s right hand was being surgically repaired at that time. The officer asked the doctor to call the police station with more information if there was any change in the condition of the child.

    An LNP officer interviewed the child’s mother, Regina Alba, at the local hospital immediately after interviewing the doctor. She told the officer that her son was playing with a small red ball in front of their house when three dogs attacked him. She said that she had seen the dogs in the area the day before, and that they had tried to bite other people. Regina also stated that she yelled at the dogs during their attack on her son and tried to beat them off with a stick, but they did not stop attacking him. The officer noticed that the mother’s left hand had also been bitten. Regina was treated my medical staff immediately after the interview.

    On Sunday 23 March 2008, at 18.00 hours, two police officers from Station # 2 were sent to Low Street to investigate the group of dogs that had attacked the child earlier that day. Upon arrival, they noticed a black dog with a white spot on its chest running into an abandoned building on the west side of the street with a red ball in its mouth. The officers proceeded into the building and saw all three dogs together, fighting over the red ball. The first officer yelled at the dogs and the largest one, the white dog turned to face the officers and started growling. The officers could see that there were no collars or identification tags on any of the dogs. Suddenly, the white dog attacked the two officers. The first officer drew his 9mm pistol and fired three times, killing the large white male dog. As the first officer had fired his pistol, the other two dogs began to attack. The second officer fired his 9mm weapon at the remaining two attacking dogs five times, killing them both.

    On Monday 24 March 2008 at 13.00 hours around 50 people assembled outside the Main Police Headquarters in Monrovia protesting against the dog problems in the city. During the demonstrations they shouted slogans about why the authorities did not do more to stop the number of wild dogs running around Monrovia. They complained about how unsafe it was for children to play outside. The Station Commander approached the leader of the demonstration, Ms. Elisabeth Johnson, and said that they had to stop their activities as they were unlawful. The demonstrators, after some discussion, accepted the order from the police and left the area about 14.15 hours.

  17. wasantha

    Brief details:
    Type of incident-: Bomb attack.
    Address of occurrence-: On 27,Rue De peace, c ordinate UTM 326-218.
    Used vehicle-: Black colored Volkswagen,registration plate number-:DN-567879.
    Main Witness of the incident-: Fenelon, owner of the discount store,live on 19,Rue de peace
    Main Report.
    On Monday 01st April 2014 an incident of bomb attack targeting Ghanaian military soldiers, while the were returning to the base after their patrol. Two terrorist were hiding on the roof of the building and used a time bomb detonated in a trash can. As a result of the attack six civilian and four soldiers were injured.
    The attack was claimed by the terrorist group called Ajina is being led by the two young men for the past ten month. They mainly targeted UN peace keepers and foreign military.
    The ambulance arrived at 1645 hours the doctor Alex Haley quickly attended on the casualties.
    civilian casualties were transported to the nearest hospital.
    Military casualties were transported to the military hospital
    The local police patrolled the area in order to
    arrest fleeing suspect,but not success the police alerted all on duty patrolled teams be on the lookout for the suspects. The descriptions of the suspects leaders were also broadcast from the media.
    At 20.00 hours main witness of the incident fenelon was interviewed by the police. He reaviledstated that following information.
    At 1545 hours he saw black colored 4 wheeler stopped in front of the 27 Ru De peace 4
    people in it.
    Two people got down from it and went inside the building.
    The driver parked the vehicle end of the street.
    Then started to work the building on the way he stopped and put something inside the
    trash can.
    One of them kept vigilance on the street.
    He further stated that after explosion at 1635 hours three men between 20-35 years old running out of the building

  18. Ethan Aramis Tejedor

    Around 12:42PM, While I was on my lunch break, I was passing the intersection of Pine and Post. I noticed smoke coming out of the woods, therefore I stopped my vehicle adjacent to the woods. Within moments, 2 individuals ran out of the woods. I called the fire department to report the smoke, and I followed the individuals to an EZ Shoppe. I parked at the EZ shoppe, and the two individuals exited the store with nothing in their hands. I detained the two individuals under the suspicion that they may have information regarding the smoke. Jimmy Tanger and Sam Stone both gave me their names and addresses, and I proceeded to capture photos of the two. They claimed that they had a secret club in possession of dirty magazines, a club that met in the wooded area. They also claimed that they ‘didn’t start the fire’.

    I called HQ and spoke to Detective Santos about the incident and gave him the names and addresses of the two. I proceeded to drive back to the wooded lot and spoke with Janice Wilkes from the Fire Department. She informed me that the fire had been extinguished. I returned to the station house and downloaded the photos I took. I proceeded to send those Photos to Detective Santos.

    1. Jean Post author

      Hi, Ethan! I don’t evaluate reports posted online. There’s a sample report that you can compare to your version.
      One suggestion: don’t use “therefore” to join two sentences. You need a period: I noticed smoke coming out of the woods. Therefore, I stopped my vehicle adjacent to the woods.
      I would suggest omitting “therefore.” It doesn’t add anything useful. Here’s my version: I noticed smoke coming out of the woods. I stopped my vehicle adjacent to the woods.
      Use simple language: near, not adjacent. Left, not exited. Put out, not extinguished.
      Omit “I proceeded.” My version: I sent those photos to Detective Santos.
      Officers are busy – and so are the people who read them. Omit any unnecessary words. Many officers waste huge amounts of time writing swollen reports. Conserve your time and energy.

  19. Malachi RAndolph

    Approx. 12:40 I was driving southbound when I observed what seemed to be a start of a fire in a wooded area as I drove closer to make a better judgement I noticed to suspected juveniles running from the area, after being stopped and briefly questioned the relation to them in the woods were unrelated I then uploaded the photos taken from the department owned cellphone to detective Santos to further investigate.

    1. Jean Post author

      You need periods. Some wording is awkward. Use “two,” not “to,” as a number. I suggested partnering with someone who’s a skilled writer to improve your writing. Comparing your version with the version I posted will be helpful too.

  20. Lissa

    Hi Jean! I am getting ready to write police reports for college, and am using this to practice.

    At about 12:42, I passed a wooded lot at the intersection of Post Street and Pine Avenue. I saw smoke rising from a wooded area.When I stopped to investigate, 2 juveniles came from that direction, and started running south along Pine Avenue. After calling the fire department, reported the fire, and gave the location, I followed the boys to the E-Z Shoppe on the southwest corner of Pine Avenue and Carter Street. When I pulled in the lot, the boys saw me and froze. I questioned the boys, Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01, 1311 Conley Road) and Sam Stone (DOB 2/2/01, 1335 Conley Road). Neither was carrying anything. They stated that they had a secret club in the wooded lot, but didn’t start the fire. They proceeded to say that they had a stash of dirty magazines in a box at the lot, and were going home to report the fire.
    After taking a picture of each boy, I called headquarters and spoke to Detective Camille Santos to give her their names and addresses for further investigation.
    I checked on the fire to be sure it was extinguished, and then returned to headquarters and gave the pictures to Detective Santos.

  21. Michayah Brown

    Approximately 12:42 P.M. I noticed smoke coming out of a wooded lot on Post street and Pine Avenue. I stopped to investigate the lot and noticed two boys walking out of the area. They saw my patrol car and started running south on Pine Avenue. I called the Fire Department to report the fire and gave them a accurate location then followed the boys that were running towards E-Z Shoppe at the southwest corner of Pine Avenue and Carter Street. I pulled into the E-Z Shoppe lot, parked my car, and exited. The boys saw me and froze. I questioned the boys, Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01, 1311 Conley Road) and Sam Stone (DOB 2/2/01, 1335 Conley Road). Neither was carrying anything. They stated that they had a secret club in the wooded lot, but didn’t start the fire. They proceeded to say that they had a stash of dirty magazines in a box at the lot, and were going home to report the fire.
    After taking a picture of each boy, I called headquarters and spoke to Detective Camille Santos to give her their names and addresses for further investigation.
    I checked on the fire to be sure it was extinguished, and then returned to headquarters and gave the pictures to Detective Santos.

  22. Jose Morales

    Can you please help me! i will like to know if this sounds correct, its a practice report,:

    On 2/14/2024 at approximately 1600 hours Maryliza Morales (Big Y employee) called the Plainville Police Department to report a past tense larceny that happened at Big Y (240 New Britain Ave.). I was dispatched to investigate.
    Upon arrival, I met with Morales who provided me with a signed sworn statement with the following information:
    Morales told me a W/F client of Big Y had informed her that she was on the beer aisle when she noticed a Hispanic male around 6 feet tall, weighing approximately 200 pounds, wearing a blue hat, blue jeans, and a black jacket, placing merchandise into the pockets of his jacket and pants.
    Morales proceeded to investigate the client’s claim. Morales verified the Big Y video camera recordings attempting to identify the unknown male. Morales noticed a Hispanic male around 6 feet tall, weighing approximately 200 pounds, on the beer aisle wearing a blue hat, blue jeans, and a black jacket that matched the descriptions of the male the W/F client had mentioned. Morales continued to observe the unknown male in the video recording and saw him taking merchandise and placing it into the pockets of his jacket and pants.
    Morales also provided me with a stolen property list of the merchandise taken:
    -1 bubble gum packet, valued at $3.00.
    -4 cookie boxes valued at $1.00 each.
    -6 shaving razors valued at $2.00 each.
    The total value of the merchandise was $19.00.
    Morales further stated that as she was observing the unknown male, he proceeded to walk with the merchandise in his pockets through all points of sale without attempting to make any payment. The unknown male then proceeded to walk outside the building into the parking lot where he got into a red Dodge Ram (CT reg. ABD123) and left the parking lot. Morales was unable to identify the unknown male due to the poor quality of the camera system.
    In conclusion, I searched the CT reg. ABD123 in COLLECT and it was registered to Jose Gonzalez from (30 Maplehurst Ave. in New Britain), and it had been reported as a File 1 (stolen motor vehicle).
    This case will remain inactive pending further information that might assist in identifying the suspect.

    1. Polo

      On Dec 22, 2025. I was dispatched to 234 torrent av west Orleans for a house fire. I meet with sandy colbert Dob apr 12 1980 live on 234 bolstered. She said the Fire started at 12:30 when one of the neighbors started doing BBQ in the backyard.

  23. John Johnson

    At Approximately 12:42 this afternoon I was Driving to Cathy’s Cafe to eat lunch. I passed a wooded lot at the intersection of Post Street and Pine Avenue and Observed Smoke rising from the distance. I get closer to observe the fire and witness a Jimmy Tonger (DOB 9/4/01, 1311 Conley Road) and Sam Stone (DOB 2/2/01, 1335 Conley Road) who have witnessed the Police Cruiser and took off towards the E-Z Shoppe at the southwest corner of Pine Avenue and Carter Street. I then Pull Into the Parking lot to confront both Boys who froze and were cooperative. They Stated that they did not start the fire. Stone said they had a stash of “dirty magazines” that they kept hidden in the wooded lot. they also stated that they were going home to report the fire. I then take pictures of both boys who I suspect of starting the fire and send both names, date of births, and addresses to detective Detective Santos for further investigation.


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